Thursday, August 23, 2012

Super Hero Letters

Ok so I have a 3 year old and 4 year old boy. Two boys who are totally into super heros, I'm learning every day new superheros and slowly see myself becoming a nerd. I grew up with 3 sisters and 1 brother so needless to say superheros was not part of my childhood..Anywho, I want to make a really cool superhero room. So I put together some ideas I saw on Pinterest. I decided I was going to modge podge comic books onto their name letters. Poor Zarin, his letters have never left the shopping bag, he's 3! And Kaiden, being my first had his painted by my very talented friend. But now that he's older it's time to make it for a little boy. So we went to the comic book store, you can get them online for cheap, but I'm too cheap to pay for shipping! We went to Mile High Comics in Lakewood, CO. If your in the area, I really liked it. So it was my boys and I first comic book trip, they were super excited and knew a lot more super heros than my husband thought, he was so proud!:) So we picked out 4 comics. I wanted a Justice League and an Avenger one, DC and Marvel, yes, most think they shouldn't mix, (told you I was becoming a nerd.) This way they would have all the super heros in 2 comics. Well, the Avengers just came out, so they were a little more expensive, so I payed $5.00. (I'm sure some comic book lover is crying somwhere, just the thought of someone cutting a comic book, but, I digress) I think each comic was  $2.00. We spent $11.00 total, not too bad and it became a fun field trip too. So I bought modge podge, and foam brushes. This was my first time using modge podge, I kept hearing so much about it, so I got some at Hobby Lobby, I got the Matte finish. Modge podge is also Wal*Mart and Target, $1.00 or so cheaper at Wal*mart, dang it! I already had the letters, but I originally got them at Hobby Lobby, they're 40% off a lot, so look for sales, I wouldnt pay full price for them. But I can undestand if you can't wait! So I started with laying a sheet on the floor in my living room, I'm big on doing things on the floor, but have to warn you, my back was killing me at the end! So I just started cutting super heros that my boys loved in the shape of the letter I was using. I put the letter over whatever hero I wanted, and traced it with a marker and just cut the marker line. Now, as I said this was my first modge podge project. I thought I researched enough, but didn't see exactly how the best way was, to do it. Come to find out, AFTERWARDS, you modge podge the letter, stick on the comic book and let dry. Then, modge podge the top. I did not do it this way, I modge podged everything at once, it left little lines and bubbles. I took a food scraper and smoothed out as much as possible, it worked pretty well. Looking back, I probably would of still done it this way because this project took forever, I couldn't imagine waiting for it to dry to move on. Also, what took so long was I modge podged the sides too. I've seen a lot of people paint the sides, or the whole thing and just modge podge the front, either way it looks cool. So it's basically collaging, which takes time. It took me over 15 hours to get this done, I also had 11 letters to do. When I was finished for the day I wrapped the brush and container of modge podge in a bag, because I got tired of washing the brushes and dishes. It kept it moist until I was done. I've thought about adding it to Etsy and selling them, so if your interested in having someone do this for you, we can talk! This was a very messy project, I'm still finding comic strips in random corners of my house. But totally worth it, my husband even complemented prefusely, with out me digging for compliments. I tried showing a picture of the mess, I really thought I took pictures through out the whole thing, I need to work on that..

To Summarize
1. Get your comics, letters, modge podge, sponge brushes and scissors. Comic Book store, Wal*Mart and Hobby Lobby are great places, Wal*Mart is a little cheaper with the modge podge and letters.
2. Create a work space, it will be up for a couple days, so keep that in mind.
3. Look at the comics and letters and figure out your lay out. Whether you want to paint the sides or cover the whole letter.
4. Start cutting and pasting, a layer on the bottom and the top. If there are lines or bubbles smooth them out, but not too much cause it will start to tear. If you mess up just cover and glue, my tipe of project!:)
5. Don't give up!
6. Let dry flat and look at your awesome creation!

Make your own Lego Box

Ok so this is my 1st ever blog, so I decided to do something easy! I'm sure everyone has been on pinterest and has seen different versions of every project your interested in. I want to find the easiest way to do these different projects and share with everyone else! So the lego box! I went to Hobby Lobby and got a plain wodden lunch box, with a hatch for $8.99. I was originally going to do a wine or cigar box  and go to the nearest liquor store and ask for one, but decided something that latched would be better for a 4 year old! You could also just repourpse an old lunch box, or go to a good will and see what you can find! I bought a plan glossy blue spray paint with primer from Wal*Mart, way cheaper than any craft store! I taped the metal pieces with painters tapes, I sprayed all sides and let it dry for an hour and flipped and sprayed, I did 2 coats and it came out great! I didn't sand, but if you want a smoother finish I would recommend sanding, even with the spray paint and primer the box was still a little rough..I had some scrapbboking stickers I put on the front, I used just his initials. I started thinking what if some creep sees his name and lures him over, so that's my own freakish thinking. I got a lego plate from the lego store. But was just recently at Target and I saw that they sell them for the same price as the lego store. So that could save you a trip. I cut the lego plate with scissors, I saved the scraps, because they was quite a lot leff. I was thinkging of maybe sticking them to the bottom of a shelf, so his legos could hang up side down! Haven't done it yet, but if any of you do I  would love to see pictures! Anyways, I started gluing the lego plate to the box with hot glue, but it did not stick, not matter how much I used, plus it was stringy. So I switched to super glue, and it worked just fine. I did let it dry for 3 days before I gave it to my son, I wanted the paint and the lego plate to be firmly dried and in place before I gave to a 4 year old! He plays with it all day long and it holds up so well! Enjoy! I want to make a box for my nieces and use felt dolls and dresses, so stay tuned...
I'll do better with taking pictures with steps along the way next time!

To Summarize
1. Get a plain wooden box, I got mine for $8.99 @ Hobby Lobby
2. Get what ever color spray pain you want, less than $4.00 @ Wal*Mart
3. Get a Lego plate, I've seen them @ Target, Woo Hoo! Or the Lego store, if handy, same price! $15.00
4. Sand, if you don't want a rough box, I skipped this step..
5. Cover the metal parts with painters tape and spray a couple coats, let dry!
6. Cut the lego plate with scissors and super glue
7. Personalize and let dry, done and done!!